Other Service BusinessesActive
Well Established Hood Cleaning
DescriptionThis is a "Turn Key" service business along the front range and southern Colorado with phones ringing, and field work being performed. Business continued all during the Pandemic and the company's sales were actually up last year. They provide many services such as commercial kitchen hood and duct cleaning, roof cleaning, sidewalk and dumpster pad pressure washing and can install hinge kits as they replace baffle filters. Most of their customers are serviced on a regular schedule and consist of large chain restaurants, local eateries, grocery stores, hotels, schools, hospitals, and gas stations.
Real EstateLeased
Building Size: 1000 sq. ft. Furniture Fixtures & Equipment$51k
Inventory$2kIncluded in Asking Price
Number of EmployeesFull-Time: 3
Reason SellingOwner is involved with other interests.
Facilities & AssetsConcrete block warehouse with a garage door and office. It is heated in the winter. Centrally located and is near the interstate highway.
Support & TrainingNew owner will have the support of the current staff and the owner will train for 30 days at no charge.
Market & CompetitionThere are two other main competitors. This company's advantage is its long established reputation and their dependability.
Growth OpportunitiesThe business has been growing and is looking forward in getting additional customers. They can handle $75,000 a year in revenue before they have to add on more employees.