Aluminum Shingles Manufacturer - Reduced Price!!
DescriptionFantastic opportunity! Aluminum shingles manufacturing company with best in industry, superior product. Second to none engineering designed over 30 years ago and improved in 2019. The result of this science is a product unsurpassed in the industry. Environmentally green product, 50% thicker than competitor product, guaranteed never to blow off, even certified Miami/Dade county hurricane proof! You cannot find a better quality product.
Owner has recently invested over $1.1 million in automation resulting in high speed manufacturing with 100% consistency of product!
Limited market competition combined with your sales/marketing ability provide unlimited opportunity for growth .
Contact Jerry Pape for more information at [email protected] or 402.201.8708. InventoryIncluded in Asking Price
Reason SellingSeller is focusing on other businesses.
Facilities & AssetsBusiness must be relocated, this is your opportunity to relocate closer to the customer base!
Support & TrainingThe owner and lead employee are available to support the successful transition to the new owner for a negotiable period of time.
Market & CompetitionThere are 7 major companies offering similar product. However, the quality of this aluminum shingle far surpasses all the competition.
Growth OpportunitiesMetal roofing continues to grow in U.S. with demand expected to rise at least 2.7% per year. A new roofing study from Freedonia Groups notes that metal roofing is experiencing an above average rate of growth. This projected growth is supported by Meta Roofing Alliance (MRA), which shows metal roofing is very much trending in the U.S. due to its timeless design, longevity/lasting value and the appeal of an energy efficient and environmentally friendly product.
Financing OptionsSeller financing is available.