Other Service BusinessesActive
Industrial Safety Management Services
DescriptionThis unique business provides confined space rescue protection for any industrial applications. OSHA requires a confined space rescue team to monitor air quality and keep an eye on the workers in case an emergency arises. The company has the trained personnel and equipment to immediately provide clean air and treat any injured worker. OSHA defines any spaces not designed for continuous human habitation which could be a pipe, a tank, a pit, inside of furnaces, etc.
Furniture Fixtures & Equipment$92k
Number of EmployeesFull-Time: 30
Reason SellingRetirement.
Facilities & AssetsThe company can easily be relocated and could be operated from your home.
Support & TrainingWill train for 4 weeks @ $0 cost.
The company provides services to industrial companies, steel mills, fabrication and power plants and any business requiring professional trades, such as iron workers and millwrights, with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) required and defined air quality monitoring, permit completion and stand-by emergency mana
Financing OptionsLender pre-screened with $33,500 down.