Building Material & Hardware Stores, Other Service BusinessesActive
Locally Owned Hardware and Rental Store With Small Engine Repair Shop
DescriptionThis locally owned hardware store and repair shop is located in the community with expert advice, tools, equipment and the products needed to get any DIY home improvement project done. They also carry a full line up of Lawn Tractors, Zero-Turn, Walk Behind Mowers, Roto-Tillers, and Snow Throwers.
Real Estate$250kNot Included in Asking Price
Furniture Fixtures & Equipment$251k
Inventory$425kIncluded in Asking Price
Number of EmployeesFull-Time: 16
Support & TrainingOne or two months as needed.
Market & CompetitionHas two other hardware type stores, Hardware Hank and a Farm & Fleet Store.
Growth OpportunitiesRental could be expanded. Lumber could be added with the space available.