UNDER CONTRACT: Well-Established Composite Fabrication Company
DescriptionA composite fabrication company that has been in business for over 30 years. This company has a fantastic team in place that takes great care in the work they do. The business has many long-standing customers that they have worked with for decades. The owner has done a great job transitioning the customer relationships to the employees.
The owner understands the importance of a smooth transition and will work with a buyer to ensure that happens.
The business focuses on several industries, including boating, military, infrastructure, fuel containment, environmental, advertising, construction, and other industrial markets.
The business also has a product line that is not patented.
Real Estate$1.60mNot Included in Asking Price
Furniture Fixtures & Equipment$443k
Number of EmployeesFull-Time: 20
Reason SellingThe owner would like to retire.
Market & Competition"The U.S. composites industry remains positive and continues to show growth, driven particularly by the wind energy, aerospace, and construction industries. Overall, the U.S. composite end products market was valued at $26.7 billion in 2019 and is forecast to grow at 3.8% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in the next five years to reach $33.4 billion in 2025. Glass fiber-based composites dominate the market, followed by carbon fiber-based composites."
- 2020 State of the Industry Jan 3, 2020
Financing OptionsSeller financing is available.