Tractor Trailer Repair Shop for Sale in Virginia Beach
Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States
Asking Price$550k
Cash Flow$136k
Over 30 years in business in a high traffic location. The shop has 4 bay doors, a parts department, and two roadside assistance trucks. Three long term employees all highly qualified technicians. Ready for a new owner, poised for substantial growth.
Real Estate
Rent is $6,500 per month
Building Size: 9408 sq. ft.
Number of EmployeesFull-Time: 3
Reason Selling
Owner is retiring.
Facilities & Assets
9408 sq foot, 4 bay door shop, fully equipped with tools. Two roadside trucks for mobile repairs and one semi-truck for use at shop.
Support & Training
The owner will stay for the transition period.
Asking Price$550k
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