Other ManufacturingActive
Profitable Air Filtration & Cleanroom Manufacturer for Sale
DescriptionCompany specializes in the design, manufacture of high-quality air filtration equipment and systems for the cleanroom industry. Expert design and installation of cleanrooms from Class 100 through 100K (softwall, hardwall, semi-hardwall, modular) including interfacing walls, panels, ceilings, doors and windows. Their specialty is full service custom products without the custom cost. They use a six-step approach which ensures that customers will receive products that match their exact requirements, on time and on budget. Their design and manufacturing capabilities include the areas of steel, stainless, thermal plastic and wood and laminates.
Real Estate$800kNot Included in Asking Price
Building Size: 5000 sq. ft. Inventory$178kIncluded in Asking Price
Number of EmployeesFull-Time: 2Part-Time: 1
Reason SellingOwners have been heavily involved in the business for 24 years and now wish to enjoy retirement.
Facilities & AssetsThe company operates in a 5,000 s.f. facility. The Seller owns the property and is paying market rate rent of $4,538 per month.
Support & TrainingThe owner is committed to helping his replacement achieve high levels of success. He is willing to stay on, at no additional cost, for 8 weeks after closing. If the new owner desires more time, he is open to that discussion.
Market & CompetitionThe owners have identified three competitors, all located in different regions of the country. The small number of competitors is due primarily to the specialized nature of the industry. Owners are not aware of any instances in which they have lost business to one of these competitors.
Growth OpportunitiesThe owners feel strongly that connecting with Bio-Tech industrial parks would lead to significant growth.
Financing OptionsSeller financing is available.Seller Finance amount and terms, if offered, is at the discretion of the Seller.