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Auto Repair & Service Shops, Other Automotive & Boat, Glass, Stone & Concrete

Glass Repair & Replacement – Auto & Building

Santa Clara County, California, United States
Asking Price$289k
Cash Flow$254k
Reliable Professional Window Repairs for Vehicles and Buildings This glass replacement and repair business has a 29+ year reputation for excellent service at reasonable cost. They serve Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties and some surrounding areas. This is a rare opportunity to own an essential emergency service in Silicon Valley, one of the most affluent areas of the entire United States. While vehicle (auto & truck) widow repair and replacement is their mainstay business, they also provide glass for commercial, retail, and residential buildings. The business is run by an owner-operator who coordinates an experienced, trained, highly competent team of subcontractors. They operate from a 1400+ sq ft building with a rent of $1,900/month. Service is provided on-site, but most is provided remotely at the vehicle owner’s location. Their market includes auto fleets, insurance companies, and individual owners. Very valuable well-established connections are maintained with State Farm, Farmers, and Allstate insurance companies. Financial Details: Annual sales are approximately $790,000,000 with a gross profit of $409,000 after deducting costs of goods and subcontract labor. After usual and customary business expenses, the net cash flow or SDE is approximately $254,000. The Transaction: The seller is open to all reasonable offers and terms. The business is being offered for $289,000, approximately 36% of annual sales, and 1.14X SDE. This includes all assets except accounts receivable, cash-on-hand, leasehold security deposit, and re-saleable inventory. This is for the entire business: vehicles, tools, apparatus, vendor/supplier resources, customer lists, company name, website, phone number, goodwill, etc. It does not include cash, accounts payable*, accounts receivable, or security deposits. Materials Inventory (if any) is extra at actual cost (approximately $3,000-$4,,000). (*Seller is responsible for A/P and payroll through the date of Closing.) Exclusive Broker: Tim Cunha, J.D., Cal. DRE #01919755 Note: All data on this business are provided by the Seller for information purposes only, and no representations are made by the Broker as to accuracy. The Broker has not independently verified the data contained herein. The Broker represents the Seller and does NOT represent the Buyer. The Buyer is advised to perform independent due diligence and seek the advice of professionals prior to purchasing the Business.
Asking Price$289k