Hair Salons & Barber Shops, Nail SalonsActive
Hair & Nail Salon
DescriptionThis salon is located in SW Missouri and has been in business in the same location for 30 years. The salon provides hair cuts and styles for women, men and children. They also offer color, extensions, nail care and waxing. The salon also carries top quality products for hair and nails for salon use and retail purchases. This business has 9 stylists, an assistant, and a receptionist. The owner does the financials. This commission salon offers a great opportunity for an owner/operator.
Real EstateLeased
Building Size: 2534 sq. ft. Furniture Fixtures & Equipment$35k
Inventory$25kIncluded in Asking Price
Number of EmployeesFull-Time: 12
Facilities & AssetsLocated in a busy strip center in a heavily trafficked area.
Support & TrainingSeller is committed to a smooth ownership transition.